Women on the Verge. Exploring the meaning.


We are exploring the meaning of being ‘Women on the Verge’ (WOV) collectively in several ways. Marina Sitrin said, ‘we are not those women pushed to the edge, overreacting, and caricatures of ourselves as in Almodovar’s film, but we are on the edges of doing, of thinking, challenging our own perceptions and stereotypes, tired of being constrained by specific patterns and models required by academia’. As women, we are always ‘verging’, claim Sarah Amsler. Besides, argued Sara Motta, ‘the idea of us becoming “women on the verge” is not related to a positionality, but rather to an epistemological embrace and practice of becoming multiple . . . “women on the verge” suggests at once a commonality that is troubled by our very real differences in praxis, experience, cosmologies’.

Raquel Gutiérrez envisaged what she understood by ‘women on the verge’: ‘we are jumping out of a plane flown by mainstream critical theorists and political figures. We jump with hope and determination, but hesitation and fear too. One of the women is trying to get rid of the parachute provided by the male crew. It is big, heavy and uncomfortable. It would be better to jump out of this plane than to continue reproducing ideas driven by social science’s establishment and its critics. Their approaches and concepts are constraining our capacity to think freely, to imagine, to prefigure. As they jump out of the plane without parachutes some start weaving a collective parachute. Others realise that they can float in the air and becoming “flying seeds”’ pollinating new possibilities.